Specials 2/8 - 2/14
Jessica Jones #5
SRP: $3.99 JHU Price: $3.60
Justice League/Power Rangers #2
SRP: $3.99 JHU Price: $3.60
Thor: Unworthy Thor #4
SRP: $3.99 JHU Price: $3.60
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- Dragon Age:SC: Adult Coloring Book
- Empowered: Soldier of Love 1
- Moby Dick:HGN:
- Weird Detective:TPB:
- World of Tanks 5
- Batgirl And the Birds of Prey 7
- Batgirl And the Birds of Prey 7
- Batman: All Star Batman (2) 7
- Batman: Detective Comics 950
- Batman: Gotham Academy (2) Second Semester 6
- Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love 3
- Deathstroke (3) 12
- Earth 2: Society 21
- Earth Two:TPB: 6-Collision
- Flash (6) 16
- Green Lantern: Hal Jordan And the Green Lantern Corps 14
- Green Lanterns: Hal Jordan + Green Lantern Corps:TPB: 1-Sinestros Law
- Invisibles:TPB: Book 1
- JLA:TPB: Gods And Monsters
- Justice League of America: Rebirth 1
- Justice League/Power Rangers 2
- Lost Boys 5
- Red Hood And the Outlaws (2) 7
- Robin War:TPB:
- Scooby Doo (8): Where Are You? 78
- Scooby: Apocalypse 10
- Suicide Squad (4) 11
- Supergirl (7) 6
- Superman: Action Comics 973
- Superman: New Super Man 8
- Superwoman 7
- Teen Titans: New Teen Titans:TPB: 6
- Titans (3) 8
- Wonder Woman (5) 16
- Wonder Woman:TPB: Her Greatest Battles
- Birthright 22
- Black History:HGN: In It's Own Words
- Black Science 28
- East of West 31
- Fuse:TPB: 4-Constant Orbital Revolutions
- Green Valley 5
- Land Called Tarot:HGN:
- Moonshine 5
- Motor Crush 3
- Nameless:TPB:
- Savage Dragon 220
- Snowfall 8
- Southern Cross 11
- Spawn 270
- Throwaways 5
- Wicked + Divine 26
- Avengers: All New All Different Avengers:TPB: 3-Civil War II 3
- Black Widow (6) 11
- Captain America: Steve Rogers 8.2 (Second Print)
- Cloak And Dagger:TPB: Shadows And Light
- Daredevil:THC: Omnibus 1
- Dark Tower: Drawing of Three: Sailor 5
- Doctor Strange: Sorcerers Supreme 5
- Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets 3
- Empress:THC: Premiere
- Foolkiller 4
- Guardians of the Galaxy (5) 17
- Hulk: Totally Awesome Hulk 16
- Inhumans V X-Men 4
- Inhumans: Uncanny Inhumans 1.MU
- Iron Man: Infamous Iron Man 3.2 (Second Print)
- Iron Man: Invincible Iron Man (2):THC: 3-Civil War II
- Jessica Jones 5
- Kingpin 1
- Marvel Masterworks:THC: Uncanny X-Men 10
- Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy 17
- Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy:GN: Digest 4
- Ms Marvel (4) 15
- Power Man And Iron Fist 13
- Spider-Man: Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows 4
- Squirrel Girl: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2) 17
- Star Wars: Darth Vader:THC: 2
- Star Wars: Doctor Aphra 4
- Star Wars:TPB: Legends Epic Collection: Empire 3
- Thanos 2.2 (Second Print)
- Thor: Unworthy Thor 4
- Thor: Unworthy Thor 3.2 (Second Print)
- Wolverine: All New Wolverine 17
- Wolverine: True Believers Origin 1
- Wolverine: True Believers Save Tiger 1
- Wolverine: True Believers Weapon X 1
- X-Men: Deadpool the Duck 3
- 18 Days 20
- Alters 4
- Angel City 5
- Army of Darkness/Xena: Forever And A Day 5
- Battlestar Galactica:TPB: Classic Omnibus 1
- Beatles:GN: All Our Yesterdays
- Black 4
- Blubber 4
- Brickleberry:TPB: 1-Armoogedon
- Death Be Damned 1
- Demon:GN: 2
- Doctor Who Magazine 508
- Doctor Who: 11th Doctor (3) 2
- Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen:THC:
- Doctor Who:TPB: Highgate Horror
- Dollface 2
- Fathom: All New Fathom 1
- Great Divide 5
- Hard Case Crime: Triggerman 5
- Hellina Scythe 1
- Hugo Broyler:GN: 1
- James Bond: Felix Leiter 2
- John Carter: The End 1
- Judge Dredd Megazine 380
- Judge Dredd: Mega-City Zero:TPB: 3
- Khaal 2
- Magical Character Rabbit (One Shot)
- Namesake 4
- Pretending Is Lying:GN:
- Rebel 2
- Red Sonja (8) 2
- Revolution:TPB:
- ROM: Annual 2017 1
- Samurai: Brothers In Arms 6
- Sherlock: A Study In Pink:TPB:
- Sherlock: Blind Banker 2
- Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original 7
- Soviet Daughter:GN:
- Squirrel Girl:HC: Meets the World YA Novel
- Stumptown:THC: 4
- Thrill Power Overload:HC: 2000 AD Redux
- Torchwood (2) 1
- War Stories 22
- World War X 2
- X-Files: Origins:TPB:
- Divinity III: Shadowman 1
- Ninjak 24
- Ninjak:TPB: 5-The Fist + The Steel
- Archie: World of Archie Comics Double Digest 66
- Archie:TPB: 1000 Page Comics Compendium
- Batman:SC: LEGO Batman Movie Activity Book w/ Figure
- Bird + Squirrel:GN: 4-On Fire
- Donald Duck:TPB: Big Sneeze
- Duck Avenger 3
- Hero Cats 15
- Jim Henson Storyteller: Giants 3
- Jonesy 10
- Mickey Mouse 17
- Miraculous 10
- Newsprints:GN: 1
- Newsprints:HGN: 1
- Nickelodeon Pandemonium:GN: 2
- Pink Panther: Cartoon Hour Special 1
- Sea Creatures:THC: 1-Reef Madness
- Silly Symphonies:THC: 2-Complete Disney Classic
- SpongeBob Comics 65
- Steven Universe (Ongoing) 1
- TMNT: Amazing Adventures:TPB: 4
- Transformers: Till All Are One 7
- Bleach:GN: 3in1: 18
- One Piece:GN: 81
- Yu-Gi-Oh!:GN: 3in1: 9
- Bleeding Cool Magazine 25
- Juxtapoz:Mag: Mar 2017 193
- Marvel Fact Files Special 24-War Machine
- Megami:Mag: Dec 2016 128
- Newtype:Mag: Dec 2016 162
- Non Sport Update:Mag: (27) 7
- South Park:Button: 144pc Button Assortment
- X-Men:Button: 144pc Button Assortment
- Star Trek Starships:AF: Mag 89-Enterprise Ncc-1701j
- Star Trek Starships:AF: Special 8-Spocks Jellyfish Ship
- Harley Quinn:Plush: Pop Harley Quinn Regular Plush
- Power Rangers:AF: Pop Red Range Action Vinyl Figure
- Batman:AF: Animated Batman Beyond: 3 Pack
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