Specials 4/11 - 4/17
Avengers #688
SRP: $3.99 JHU Price: $3.60
Captain America #700
SRP: $5.99 JHU Price: $5.40
Star Wars: Darth Vader #14
SRP: $3.99 JHU Price: $3.60
*Must be a Member of JHU Comic Books to receive applicable discounts. Discount does not apply to variant covers unless otherwise noted. Can not be combined with other offers.
- American Gods: My Ainsel 2
- American Gods: My Ainsel 2 (Variant Cover)
- BPRD: Devil You Know:TPB: 1
- Moebius Library:HC: Art of Edena
- Resident Alien 1
- Tomb Raider: Survivors Crusade 4
- Batgirl And the Birds of Prey 21
- Batgirl And the Birds of Prey 21 (Variant Cover)
- Batman: Detective Comics 978
- Batman: Detective Comics 978 (Variant Cover)
- DC Universe:TPB: By Brian K Vaughan
- Eternity Girl 2
- Exit Stage Left: Snagglepuss Chronicles 4
- Flash (6) 44
- Flash (6) 44 (Variant Cover)
- Green Lantern: Hal Jordan And the Green Lantern Corps 42
- Green Lantern: Hal Jordan And the Green Lantern Corps 42 (Variant Cover)
- Hawkman:TPB: By Geoff Johns 2
- Immortal Men 1
- Justice League (6):THC: 2 Deluxe Edition
- Justice League of America (7) 28
- Justice League of America (7) 28 (Variant Cover)
- Mad Magazine 1
- Red Hood And the Outlaws (2) 21
- Red Hood And the Outlaws (2) 21 (Variant Cover)
- Scooby Apocalypse 24
- Scooby Apocalypse 24 (Variant Cover)
- Scooby Doo Where Are You 92
- Sideways 3
- Suicide Squad (4) 39
- Suicide Squad (4) 39 (Variant Cover)
- Suicide Squad (4):TPB: 5-Kill Your Darlings (RB)
- Supergirl (7) 20
- Supergirl (7) 20 (Variant Cover)
- Superman (4):TPB: 5-Hopes And Fears (RB)
- Superman: Action Comics:THC: 1000 80 Years of Superman
- Superman: New Super Man + the Justice League of China 22
- Superman: New Super Man + the Justice League of China 22 (Variant Cover)
- Titans 22
- Titans 22 (Variant Cover)
- Trinity 21
- Trinity 21 (Variant Cover)
- Wonder Woman (5) 44
- Wonder Woman (5) 44 (Variant Cover)
- Wonder Woman:TPB: By George Perez 3
- Beauty 21 (Cover A)
- Beauty 21 (Cover B)
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- Dead Hand 1
- Deadly Class 33 (Cover A)
- Deadly Class 33 (Cover B)
- Dry County 2
- Eternal Empire 8
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- Gideon Falls 2 (Cover B)
- Lazarus X Plus 66:TPB:
- No 1 with A Bullet 6
- Oblivion Song 2
- Prism Stalker 2
- Rock Candy Mountain:TPB: 2
- Rose 10 (Cover A)
- Rose 10 (Cover B)
- Rose 10 (Cover C)
- Sleepless 5 (Cover A)
- Sleepless 5 (Cover B)
- VS 3 (Cover A)
- VS 3 (Cover B)
- VS 3 (Cover C)
- America:TPB: 2-Fast And Fuertona
- Avengers 688
- Avengers 688 (Sprouse End of an Era Variant)
- Avengers:TPB: Epic Collection: Avengers Defenders War
- Captain America 700
- Captain America 700 (Alex Ross Variant)
- Captain America 700 (Blank Variant)
- Captain America 700 (Cassady Variant)
- Captain America 700 (Retailer Summit Samnee Variant)
- Captain America 700 (Steranko Black + White Variant)
- Captain America 700 (Venom 30th Variant)
- Captain America: Falcon 7
- Champions 19
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- Despicable Deadpool 298 Leg 298
- Doctor Strange 388
- Doctor Strange 388 (Venom Variant)
- Gwenpool: Unbelievable:TPB: 5-Lost in the Plot
- Infinity Guantlet: True Believers
- Marvel Masterworks:THC: Avengers 18
- Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider 17
- Spider-Man: Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man:TPB: 2-Most Wanted
- Spider-Man: Venomized 2
- Spider-Man: Venomized 2 (Artist Variant)
- Spider-Man: Venomized 2 (Bagley Connecting Variant)
- Spider-Man/Deadpool 31
- Spider-Man/Deadpool:TPB: 5-Arms Race
- Squirrel Girl: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2) 31
- Star Wars: Darth Vader (2) 14
- Star Wars: Thrawn 3
- Thanos 18
- Thanos 18 (Venom Variant)
- Thanos: True Believers: Thanos Rising
- X-Men: Blue 25
- X-Men: Blue 25 (Venom Variant)
- X-Men: Cable:TPB: 2-Newer Mutants
- X-Men: Domino 1
- X-Men: Domino 1 (Baldeon Variant)
- X-Men: Domino 1 (Liefeld Variant)
- X-Men: Domino 1 (Retailer Summit Land Variant)
- X-Men: Exiles 1
- X-Men: Exiles 1 (Rodriguez Design Variant)
- X-Men: Exiles 1 (Rodriguez Variant)
- X-Men: Exiles 1 (Saiz Variant)
- X-Men: Jean Grey:TPB: 2-Final Fight
- X-Men: Old Man Logan 38
- X-Men: Old Man Logan 38 (Venom Variant)
- X-Men: Red 3
- X-Men: Red 3 (Charest Headshot Variant)
- Aftershock Shock:THC:
- Algeria Is Beautiful Like America:THC:
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- Arya 4
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- Atlas And Axis 4
- Back to the Future: Time Train 4
- Barbarella 5 (Cover A)
- Barbarella 5 (Cover B)
- Barbarella 5 (Cover C)
- Best We Could Do:TPB: Illustrated Memoir
- Bridge:THC: How Roeblings Connected Brookyln to New York
- Brothers Dracul 1 (Cover A)
- Brothers Dracul 1 (Cover B)
- Catalyst Prime: Astonisher 6
- Cold War 3
- Dodge City 2
- Eternal Thirst of Dracula 2
- Fevre Dream:TPB: By George RR Martin (Special Edition)
- Gears of War: Rise of Raam 4 (Cover A)
- Gears of War: Rise of Raam 4 (Cover B)
- Ghost Money 9
- Gold Digger 251
- Haunted Horror 33
- James Bond: Casino Royale:THC:
- James Bond: Kill Chain:THC:
- Knights of the Dinner Table 253
- Larks Killer 6
- Mafia III:GN: Rise And Fall of Sal Marcano
- Minky Woodcock: Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini 4 (Cover A)
- Minky Woodcock: Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini 4 (Cover B)
- Normandy Gold:TPB:
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- Planet of the Apes: Ursus 4
- Planet of the Apes: Ursus 4 (Subscription Variant)
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- Rick + Morty: The Vindicators 1.2 (Second Print)
- Rick Veitch: The One 3
- Robert Crumb:HC: Sketchbook 3 (1975-1982)
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- Robocop: Citizens Arrest 1 (Rubin Variant)
- RoboTech:TPB: Archive Omnibus 1
- ROM + the Micronauts 4
- Sea of Thieves 2 (Cover A)
- Sea of Thieves 2 (Cover B)
- Season of the Snake 1 (Cover A)
- Season of the Snake 1 (Cover B)
- Shadow:PB: 127-Double Novel: Silent Death + Charg Monster
- Star Trek: New Visions: Enemy of My Enemy
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- Supermansion 1 (Cover A)
- Supermansion 1 (Cover B)
- Supermansion 1 (Cover C)
- Sword of Ages 3 (Cover A)
- Sword of Ages 3 (Cover B)
- TMNT/Usagi Yojimbo Expanded Edition
- Violette Around the World:THC: 1-My Head in the Clouds
- Bloodshot: Salvation 8 (Cover A)
- Bloodshot: Salvation 8 (Cover B)
- Bloodshot: Salvation 8 (Cover C)
- Ninja-K 6 (Cover A)
- Ninja-K 6 (Cover B)
- Adventure Time Comics 22
- Adventure Time Comics 22 (Subscription Variant)
- Adventure Time:TPB: 14
- Archie And Me Comics Digest 6
- Archie: Betty + Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest 262
- Archie's 6 (Cover A)
- Archie's 6 (Cover B)
- Archie's 6 (Cover C)
- Archie's Big Book:TPB: 3-Rock N Roll
- Avengers:HC: Storybook Collection
- Ducktales 8 (Cover A)
- Ducktales 8 (Cover B)
- Ducktales:TPB: Mysteries + Mallards
- Goosebumps: Download + Die 2 (Cover A)
- Goosebumps: Download + Die 2 (Cover B)
- Lucy + Andy Neanderthal:GN: 1
- Lucy + Andy Neanderthal:GN: 2-Stone Cold Age
- Pink Panther vs. Inspector 1
- Pink Panther vs. Inspector 1 (Classic Pink Cover)
- Pokemon:HC: Seek + Find Legendary Pokemon
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Cover A)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Cover B)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Incentive Variant)
- SpongeBob Comics 79
- TMNT (Ongoing) 81 (Cover A)
- TMNT (Ongoing) 81 (Cover B)
- Attack on Titan:GN: 24
- Clover Honey:GN: Special Edition
- Rick + Morty:Pin: Make C-137 Schwifty Again Lapel Pin
- DC Universe:STA: Robin + Bat-Hound ArtFX
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